24 April 2013

Long time no see!

Hi, it seems it has been about a year since I did my first post here at my blog. And too bad it's stranded for me dealing with so many school homework & exams that hinder me from thinking about what to post here, since I was class 11 of science level at the time of writing my first post and it's at the peak of the difficult times (well, all moments of high school are difficult times though)

And finally, here comes a 5 month holiday before heading to the States for college,  definitely more than enough time to write just one article. So, I'll definitely gonna continue writing here during the holiday, but not guaranteed that it will  continue during college.

Anyway,  my first "real" post should be ready by the time I graduate from high school, as the next post contains what happens before it (whoops, just wrote a synopsis here, hehe)


8 January 2012


Hello and welcome to "AShiningWorld".

My posts here will be delivered in mainly English. But as my lingua franca is Indonesian, I also have the right ti write in that language, but it's ok, as it also helps to practice my English here :v

My posts here seem kinda random, so I can write either in a diary format or in an explanatory one, perhaps about motivation or daily life. 

Hope you stay tuned. I don't promise to have this blog as those colorful experts above my level in terms of my writing style, but still hope you enjoy my writing and hope you be inspired.

In the meantime, I'm ASW, as the admin of this blog officially presents this first post!